Sisters on purpose: Cultivating a Lifetime of Purpose in Community Service
In Chi Omega, we are conditioned to live out our six purposes from day one: Friendship, High Standards of Personnel, Sincere Learning and Creditable Scholarship, Participation in Campus Activities, Career Development and Community Service. We believe there is no better way to give back to Chi Omega while also cultivating a lifetime of purpose than volunteering, and Chi Omega is grateful to the thousands of volunteers nationwide that give of their time and talents to show each and every Chi Omega Sister what’s possible.
There are a number of ways to express interest in volunteering in Chi Omega:
Local opportunities:
Local chapter volunteers are always looking for women to join their team to serve as a chapter advisor, a house corporation volunteer, an alumnae chapter leader or in countless other positions of varying time commitments. The best way to express interest is to:
- Update your profile on the Chi Omega Everyday website to include Chi Omega interests. This information is used any time a local chapter is seeking nearby volunteers to assist.
- Reach out to the Personnel Advisor for your nearest local chapter using our chapter locator tool. These women serve as lead alumna advisors to each collegiate chapter, and they will have information on local needs and openings. Even if there’s nothing available now, they’ll have your name as a contact once a position does come available.
- Reach out to the nearest alumnae chapter in your area using the chapter locator tool. Alumnae chapters offer a number of ways to connect and volunteer in your town or city.
- Express interest in the Special and Local Interests section of the form linked below, and our office will forward your interest to the local chapters in your area.
National opportunities:
While volunteering at the local level first is always the best prerequisite to volunteering on the national level, Chi Omega’s national organization often taps the alumnae network for positions requiring specialized skills and expertise. We welcome you to express your interest in national opportunities by doing one of the following:
- Click the “Apply for an Open Role” button below to see what opportunities are available now, review the requirements and apply now if it’s a match!
- Click the “Submit Volunteer Interest Form” button below to provide information about your areas of education and experience so that we may contact you for future opportunities.
Don’t see anything that interests you? Submit your interest for future opportunities by clicking the Submit Volunteer Interest Form below.